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A mushroom?

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Q: What is the name of a white fungus that grows out of the ground?
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Why is bear bread called bear bread?

Bear bread is the name used for a type of fungus that grows on trees in Alaska. Bears eat it, thus the name.

What is the name for the fungus that grows on fruit and stale bread?

Generically it is called "Pin Mould".

What is the name of the edible white fungus found on mahoe trees?

Taranaki Wool

Is there a name of a nail disorder in which a new toe nail grows underneath an exisisting toenail?

Don't know of the name, but it sounds like a fungus... they do crazy things.

Name something ugly that grows on your feet?

Something ugly that grows on your feet is a verruca. A verruca is a type of wart. Something else that can grow on the feet and is ugly is a bunion.

What is the name for a white fungus on exterior bricks?

If it's on the exterior of a house, it most likely is not a fungus (white mold, for instance), as the environment would not support that growth. It is probably mineral salt crystals called efflorescence, which is white in appearance.

What is the name of the potato that grows under ground?

All potatoes grow underground.

What is the name of Thick part of tree that grows up from the ground?

It's called a Trunk...

What is a pilobolus commonly referred to as?

There are a few things that a pilobolus can actually be. It could be a fungus or a mushroom that commonly grows on feces or it could be the name of a dance company.

Who discovered crypoctoccosis?

Cryptococcus is a type of fungus that grows in culture as yeasts. It is stated that a pathologist by the name of Otto Busse first discovered it in the year 1894 after isolating it from a patient.

What is the name of the rarely found white flower that grows in the Austria mountains?

Leontopodium alpinum

How does ringworm multiply?

Ringworm is the common name for infection caused by a fungus. Worms have nothing to do with it. The fungus that causes it grows on your hair and skin, mostly on the top layers.It is called ringworm because it is round with a raised ring and clear center.The life cycle of the fungus can be complicated. I have included a link.