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It is my understand that there is not anything that can travel faster than the speed of light. Perhaps ones thoughts are faster though I am not sure on that point.

Robert Tachyons are theoretical particles that will cease to exist if they slow down to light speed.

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Q: What is the name of medium which is faster than light?
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Is faster than light speed attainable?

no it is notans2. It is important to specify the medium in which the phenomenon is acting. There is a prohibition on anything travelling faster than the speed of light in vacuo.However this restriction is side-stepped in a medium in which light travels slower than in vacuo. Cherenkov radiationis one such example, where energetic particles travel faster in the medium (in this case usually water) than light would do.Cherenkov's observations date to the 1930s.

How can the speed of a light wave be changed?

If you shine light through a different medium, its speed will change. It's faster in a vacuum than in air, which is faster than in a denser gas, etc.

Is electicity faster than the speed of light?

Nothing is faster than the speed of light in a vacuum (other household appliances are left as an exercise for the reader). Electricity travels at essentially the speed of light in the conductive medium it's traveling through, but not faster.

Light travels faster through water n 1 33 than it does through glass n equals 1 5?

The speed of light in any medium is given by its speed of light in vacuum divided by the refractive index of the medium and so light will travel faster in water than in glass since refractive index of glass is greater than that of water.

What is the name of particles that travel faster than light?


Is light faster than sound or sound is faster than light?

Light is faster than sound

When electrons travel faster than the speed of light in a particular medium a beautiful deep-blue light occurs This effect is called?

Cerenkov radiation.

Can light travel faster than sound?

Under normal circumstances, no. The speed of light in a vacuum is roughly 300,000,000 meters/second, while the speed of sound through air is 340 meters/second. However light does not travel 3x109 m/s inside a medium, and recent experiments have shown there are ways to slow light down to a crawl. In such a medium, usually a crystal structure, sound could indeed travel faster than light.

Which plane is faster than light?

No plane is faster than light.

Is a echo faster than light?

no light is faster

What travels faster than light waves and sound waves?

Light travels faster than sound ... about 875,000 times faster. Nothing travels faster than light.