

What is the name of molecule CHI?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Chi is a form of energy that has no particles, nevertheless some Physicists have played with the idea of what it is. Some hold that its "dark matter," the stuff that holds the universe together. Others say it may be a mild form of anti matter, which exists in the fourth dimension the details of which I am not qualified to explain, nor do I have pencil and paper with which to explain even if I were. However I do know with fair certainty that Chi CAN NOT be anti matter, if it were, if you did enough Tai Chi Chuan you would eventually blow up your city. I'm serious; the truth is, ANY atom packs enough energy to level a city. If anti matter collides with matter, it causes a nuclear explosion, however the matter the anti matter collides with, is reduced to sub-atomic particles in a process called "anihilation." If for example you "fired" anti matter at, say, a penny, if you had "God vision" and could see everything going on, superficially, the penny would seem to "vanish," but, in reality its atoms are falling apart, its particles just disperse all over the place.

In the modern U.S. military machine, actually, with the world's nuclear powers, namely the U.S., Great Britain, France, Russia, China, and Israel (yes; Israel), there is no longer an arms race to build the most nukes, that stuff is "old hat." The new arms race, to gain world hegemony and dominance, is the building of anti matter nuclear weapons, and here is the reason for the obsession; whereas with standard nukes, the technology will indeed level a city and all that, it leaves fallout that as you well know, will render the place uninhabitable for years. The "beautiful" thing about anti matter, is that not only is the explosion more powerful than that of a nuclear bomb, an anti matter weapon would in fact have the power to destroy the entire northeasstern portion of the U.S. for example, ALL OF IT, not only does it destroy more but here's the "magic" about it; I believe, anti matter weapons, hypothetically, leave no fallout. Yes, there is radiation upon the anihilation process, yes the radiation is lethal but, once the subatomic particles disperse, its all gone. No radiation fallout means, you can grow crops there again, raise farm animals, and take over the country.

Something even more "magical" about anti matter is its potential for specific targeting. Some Physics theories, hold that the human nervous system leaves some sort of "imprint" on the fourth dimension, anti matter weapons, can also be used for assasination. If you target the specific brainwaves of a hated political leader, that is hated in your country, while this may sound sci-fi'ish, it is in fact possible to develop a weapon that can kill people literally "via remote control" the U.S. president could have "red buttons" for every world leader. That is, he pushes a red button, so and so dies.

Of course the math to develop such weaponry is, thank god, beyond most people now. If Chi were anti matter, circulating it through your body would eventually cause you to explode, and level your region. To my knowledge, there haven't been any anti matter explosions in Chinese parks, or U.S. nursing homes so, Tai Chi Chuan is not going to blow you up any day now I think.

Take all this information with a grain of salt; I'm not a Physicist.

However I will present the possibility regarding the "theory of Atlantis" that, at the risk fo sounding like a creationist; its possible, that the world is older than what Abrahamic faith Bible, Torah and Koran thumpers say, but, younger than what evolutionists say. Even according to evolution, humans have been humans, for 200,000 years it is RIDICULOUS to think, that in that time frame, that advanced socieities did not exist, perhaps even more advanced than ours.

The world has seen, a total of 5 mass extinctions; how do we know for sure WE weren't the cause?

For all we know, "prehistoric man" discovered anti matter weaponry, and 5 times in this planet's history, anti matter weapons were used to anihilate nearly all life, leaving only a few straggling survivors to start from scratch, society develops again, human intellect once again rediscovers the secrets of Physics, and once again the world is destroyed and perhaps, it has happened 5 times before.

Absolutely ideas about "time travel" need to be taken seriously; the human race needs to SEE history, not just read about it. Anti matter research, especially what the world's nuclear powers are doing is extremely dangerous, we may be looking at yet, ANOTHER mass extinction.

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