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Q: What is the name of movie about group of hippie kids who get fight on a band tour and on their way home they start to sing a song together in a bus?
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Either the group is meeting to fight (per the movie) or they are going to watch a fight.

Is Sasuke going to be in the Shippuden movie?

I YES HE HAS TO FIGHT NarutoIm pretty sure he will be!yes he is hes in the second shippuden movie him ANDnaruto fight together!! it is an awsome movie

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Sanctum is a film about a group of cave divers who get trapped in the cave system after an accident, which causes further flooding in the caves. To find their way out the survivors have to work together and fight the natural elements.

What is the movie It?

The movie IT is based on a Stephen King novel. It's about a group of kids who confront an supernatural clown that kills kids every 30 years in order to survive. These kids think they have it beat when they are children only to find out as adults they were wrong. They are brought back together to fight IT one more time.

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They never make up, in InuYasha the movie 3 they work together but they still fight after that.

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The group anonymous is a bit like the film V for Vendetta because the guy who wears the mask wants to bring people together, and that's Anonymous do, they want to bring people together from all around the world and to fight against our government. So yes, Anonymous is like the film V for Vendetta.

The movie I love you Alice B Toklas starred which actor as a hippie lawyer?

Peter Sellers

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some girl named Jilion

What group delivered a concert movie called Let's Spend the Night Together?

The Rolling Stones

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sister hood of the traveling pants?

Where can someone find the best movie fight scenes online?

The best place to find movie fight scenes on-line will probably be Youtube or Daily Motion as these sites often have montages of fight scenes specifically put together to save searching for lots of individual films.

What is is the movie?

The movie IT is based on a Stephen King novel. It's about a group of kids who confront an supernatural clown that kills kids every 30 years in order to survive. These kids think they have it beat when they are children only to find out as adults they were wrong. They are brought back together to fight IT one more time.