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Q: What is the name of nicaragua's money?
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What are some of Nicaraguas natural resources?


What is Nicaragua nationalities?

What is Nicaraguas nationality?

What type of sport od nicaraguas play?

baseball is one of them

What is Nicaraguas religon?

Roman Catholic is the dominent religion in Nicaragua.

What is replacing coffee meet and seafood as nicaraguas primary source of income?


What is the Nicaraguas moto?

Nicaragua's moto is further beyond , further yet, more beyond.

What is Nicaraguas leading imports?

Bananas, Chemicals, Coffee, Cotton, Gold, Meat, Shellfish and Sugar.

What are some of Nicaraguas major religions?

Predominantly Roman Catholic, with rapidly growing percentage of Evangelical Protestants.

Nicaraguas exact location?

Nicaragua is found in Central America. Nicaragua is bordered by Honduras to the north and Costa Rica to the south.

Who was Nicaraguas first leader?

The first head of state of Nicaragua was Manuel Antonio de la Cerda y Aguilar. He was head of state from April 1825 to April 1826.

What is the birth name of Malinda Money?

Malinda Money's birth name is Malinda Ann Money.

What is the birth name of Zoot Money?

Zoot Money's birth name is George Bruno Money.