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Q: What is the name of that fat actor who eyes twitch back and forth?
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What happens to your eyes when you close them?

when you close your eyes they role into the back of your head(and yall said yall couldn't see the back of your head)with is why there are 3 diffrent types of sleep when your eyes rle into the back of your that is a result of you going into R.E.M sleep withc lets you dream Another answer When you close your eyes, blink your eyes do not roll back into your head. They stay the same.

Who is knone as oi blue eyes?

Frank Sinatra is often referred to as "Ol' Blue Eyes" due to his strikingly blue eyes and legendary status as a singer and actor in the mid-20th century.

Why do my eyes twitch and ache?

Eye twitching and aching can be due to various factors such as stress, fatigue, caffeine, or eye strain from staring at screens for long periods. It could also be a sign of an underlying condition like dry eyes or allergies. It's important to rest your eyes, reduce stress, and if symptoms persist, consult an eye doctor for a proper evaluation.

Do your eyes dart about and your eyelids flicker when you dream?

During REM sleep, which is when most dreaming occurs, your eyes can move rapidly under your closed eyelids. This is known as rapid eye movement (REM) and it is a normal part of the sleep cycle. Your eyelids may also flicker or twitch during this stage of sleep.

Who is known as old blue eyes?

Frank Sinatra is known as "Old Blue Eyes" because of his piercing blue eyes and his nickname has become synonymous with his iconic status as a singer and actor. He was a legendary entertainer known for his smooth voice and charismatic persona.

Related questions

Why do my eyes twitch and ache?

Eye twitching and aching can be due to various factors such as stress, fatigue, caffeine, or eye strain from staring at screens for long periods. It could also be a sign of an underlying condition like dry eyes or allergies. It's important to rest your eyes, reduce stress, and if symptoms persist, consult an eye doctor for a proper evaluation.

What are causes of eyes darting back and forth?

It is caused when one has a epileptic attack , a serious case.

How do you vibrate your eyes?

Vibrating your eyes is often done through a technique known as voluntary nystagmus. By focusing on a distant point and quickly shifting your gaze back and forth, you can induce rapid eye movements that create the sensation of vibrating eyes. This ability varies among individuals and is not recommended for extended periods to avoid eye strain.

Lynx advert eyes?

who is the actor with weird eyes in the lynx advert who is the actor with weird eyes in the lynx advert

''How do i tell my teacher i don't understand but not making it obvious''?

'' you could look her in the eyes and look back and forth again and again''

Is it normal to twitch while passed out?

If it is a siezure then they will shake a little bit and their eyes will flutter.

How can you tell a boyfriend is lying if he does have eye contact and he does pay attention to you?

one of his eyes will twitch or he is looking at you strange even if he is looking in your eyes

What is opsoclonus?

a syndrome in which the eyes dart involuntarily (opsoclonus or dancing eyes) and muscles throughout the body jerk or twitch involuntarily (myoclonus).

What if your puppy's eyes were going back and forth and he had a high fever the vet put him on antibiotics his eyes stopped ticking but he just lays around all day and doesn't want to be petted?

i would go back asap to the vet.

How can you make your eyes go in to the skull a little more?

It's proven impossible unless you are able to conciously control the muscles in your eyes to move back and forth. But its possible for you to push your eyes back and hold them long enough that the muscles adapt to that and permanently stay like that. Hope this helped. -Joe

Do Chameleons eyes change color?

I work with chamelons each day so im the expert at this so how their eyes wrk is when they change colors of their surroundings their eyes twitch for 2 seconds then their pupils change from being small to big. Because of the reaction of the camoflauge it just makes their pupils get smaller and after their camoflauge they don't twitch and the reaction turns their pupils back to normal big and wide so thats all for the camoflauge. But normally when they eat they have their eyes wide and when their sleepy their eyes get smaller.

What if your rabbits eyes are moving back and forth really fast and he is shaking and moving in circles.What is wrong?

You need to seek medical help for you rabbit asap!!!