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There is no god of darkness, there is only the Devil.

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Q: What is the name of the God of Darkness?
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The name means "god of the dark shadows; darkness"

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Jemma mean's god of light and darkness, it also comes from the greek name Jabias.

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Erelus was the god of pure darkness in ancient Rome.

What is the Greek God of Darkness?

The primordial God Erebus (Έρεβος) meaning darkness. Son of Chaos.

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I know there are other's, but the only one I can find for the time being is Kek. If you Google search Egyptian god of Darkness or even just Egyptian Gods, you're sure to find more.

What is 'god of darkness' when translated from English to Italian?

"God of darkness" in English means re delle tenebre in Italian.

Who is erebus in The Odyssey?

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God of darkness?

No. There isn't a God of darkness. There is only God of the hevans and he is Light. That's the only reason why we would be here! I mean how do you think all of this is here? But if you really want to know something of darkness is the Devil himself. He isn't a God and never will be. Though he did want to, before even anyone was alive or anything, He is darkness but isn't a god.

Does the Bible say in darkness God shines?

Yes, the Bible often speaks of God's light shining in the darkness. For example, in 2 Corinthians 4:6 it says, "For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ."

How do you make darkness on doodle god 2?

If you meant to say Pocket God, the iPod app, all you do is drag the sun below the horizon.