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Well it is sodium hydroxide that is found in toothpaste.This is the simplest answer you could ever find

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10y ago
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2w ago

The alkali commonly found in toothpaste is sodium hydroxide. It helps to adjust the pH of the toothpaste to make it more effective in cleaning teeth and preventing cavities.

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9y ago

Toothpaste does include small amounts of alkali that aids in the effectiveness of the paste. The alkali property found in toothpaste is alkali metal silicate.

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7y ago

Some toothpastes contain sodium hydroxide.

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Is toothpaste an acid or alkali?

Toofpaste is am owkawi

Toothpaste an acid or alkali?

Toothpaste is generally slightly basic (alkaline) in nature. This helps neutralize acids produced by bacteria in the mouth and can help prevent tooth decay.

Is toothpaste acidic alkali or neutral?


Is toothpaste weak acid or alkali?

Toothpaste is generally slightly acidic due to the presence of ingredients like citric acid or phosphoric acid. These acids help to break down food particles and bacteria on the teeth, aiding in the cleaning process.

What does the alkali in toothpaste do?

it keeps your teeth clean

Is toothpaste a strong alkali or a weak?

Toothpaste is slightly basic, but it is not considered a strong alkali. The pH of toothpaste typically ranges from 7 to 9, which is mild compared to strong alkalis like sodium hydroxide or ammonia.

Is toothpaste an acid a alkali or a neutral?

Toothpaste is typically slightly alkaline in nature. This is because toothpaste often contains ingredients such as baking soda or sodium fluoride, which help neutralize acids produced by bacteria in the mouth and create a less acidic environment that is better for dental health.

Is a toothpaste alkali?

Yes, From my science teacher I was told toothpaste is an Alkali as it breaks down the acid from your teeth, I think anyway? all the best

What do alkalis do to acids?

Alkalis neutralize acids by reacting with them to form water and a salt. This reaction helps to balance the pH levels, making the solution less acidic.

What everyday things have acids and alkalis in them?

Some examples of everyday items that contain acids include citrus fruits (e.g. lemons, oranges), vinegar, and soda. Items containing alkalis include baking soda, soap, and antacids.

Is toothpaste alkali?

Yes it netralises acid in gums and teeth

What is in toothpaste to make it alkali?

Sodium bicarbonate is basic salt.