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a bladderwort

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Q: What is the name of the aquatic plant some of whose leaves are modified as small bladders to trap minute aquatic animals?
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Are pitcher plants leaves or flowers?

They are modified leaves

Why do hyacinth and lotus have broad leaves?

because they have long stem .

What do thorns do?

Cactus spines prevent moisture loss from plants. Spines also defend the plants from grazing animals. The spines are just modified leaves.

What are modified leaves called that are found on embryonic plants?

The modified leaves that are found in embryonic plants are called cotyledons. Cotyledons are the first leaves produced by the plant. They are not true leaves and are considered to be seed-leaves because they are a part of the seed or embryo of the plant.

Which plant has flowers but no real leaves?

A Cactus - it has a modified stem which produces flowers, but no leaves.

Are flowering parts modified vegetative leaves?

yes, because you can make salad from the leaves...

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Which plants does not have stomata?

An aquatic plant with submerged leaves

How is paper tree genetically modified?

The paper tree was modified to have square leaves, that when dried can be used as paper.

What do Masked Ducks eat?

Mainly on seeds, roots and leaves of aquatic plants. They also eat aquatic insects and crustaceans.

What are the modified leaves of a cactus?

Cactus leaves are modified, because they're characterized by smaller surface areas. Those cactus plants that have modified leaves have them as thorns, spines, spikes, quills, prongs or bristles. So the cactus leaf has a narrower, thinner look than the leaves of deciduous plants.The reason for this modified look is the effort to keep water loss to a minimum. Water is lost at a lower rate and in smaller quantities over a smaller surface area. Additionally, the narrower, thinner look helps the modified leaf to direct any available moisture on its surface to drip to the ground. On the ground, the drops seep into the soil, where they can be taken up by the cactus plant's network of fibrous, shallow roots.

What are modified leaves that are found on embryonic plants called?

The modified leaves that are found in embryonic plants are called cotyledons. Cotyledons are the first leaves produced by the plant. They are not true leaves and are considered to be seed-leaves because they are a part of the seed or embryo of the plant.