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They are the two jugular veins.

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Q: What is the name of the artery on your neck that you can use to detect your pulse?
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Which artery is felt when taking the pulse rate at the neck?

The Carotid pulse is found in the neck. The Radial pulse is found in the wrist.

Should your neck pulse be approximately the same as your wrist pulse?

Yes; the pulse rate should be approximately the same. However the pressure will vary as the artery in your neck is larger than the one in your arm. The artery in your neck is called the carotid artery. Therefore the neck pulse is called the carotid pulse. The one at the wrist is called the radial artery thus giving it the name, radial pulse. The average pulse for an adult is 65-70 beats per minute. For a child, 80-90 and 100-120 for an infant.

What is the name of the artery in the neck you feel to see if the patient has a pulse?

The radial artery, carotid artery, and the brachial artery can be used to feel your pulse; but only if you feel them with your tongue. The easiest to do the radial artery, located in your elbow.

Name of large artery in neck?

The main artery in your neck is called the Carotid Artery. It is the largest artery in the neck region.

What are the main pulse sites?

The carotid artery in the neck and the radial artery in the wrist.

Which pulse pressure point has the greatest amplitude and why?

The common carotid artery - because it's closest to the heart.

Which body part would you feel to locate the carotid pulse?

In the neck. The pulse you can sometimes feel beating in your neck is the carotid artery.

What are the scientific names for the 2 pulse points?

The two pulse points are the radial pulse, located on the wrist at the radial artery, and the carotid pulse, located in the neck at the carotid artery.

Where do you find the carotid pulse?

Side of the neck, just beside the C rings. The carotid artery carries oxygenated blood to the brain. You have one on each side, right next to the jugular veins.

The strongest pulse felt in blood vessel?

A pulse can be felt where an artery crosses a bone. The main areas where the strongest pulse may be felt are the carotid artery in the neck, the brachial artery in the crook of the arm and the radial artery in the inner wrist.

If an accident victim had a severed left subclavian artery which pulse neck or wrist would be most affected?

The left subclavian artery doesn't feed the carotid (neck pulse) so your answer would be the wrist.

Name of the thumb pulse?

The neck pulse is the corotid pulse; the wrist pulse is the radial pulse; the arm pulse is the brachial pulse. it seems that the pulses are named according to the artery palpated; therefore, your thumb pulse must be your princeps pollicis pulse. this is an educated guess.