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The asteroid 5383 Leavitt and the lunar crater Leavitt are named in her honour

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Q: What is the name of the asteroid in Leavitt's honor?
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What was the name of the minor planet that was named after her name in her honor?

You might be thinking of Biyo. Biyo is not really a planet, its an asteroid in the asteroid belt a few km across. It was named after a teacher.

What is the asteroid named to honor Ray Bradbury?

The asteroid named in honor of Ray Bradbury is designated 9766 Bradbury in recognition of the famous science fiction writer's contributions to literature.

What is the name of the largest knowen asteroid?

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Asteroid 15420 or the Aedouglass

What is the name of the fallen asteroid?

The name is meteor.

What was the name of the asteroid that passed earths orbit recently in February 2013?

The asteroid does not have a name, but has the designation 2012 DA14

Is the scientific name for asteroid asteroid?

Most asteroids are, not surprisingly called asteroid's. However some of the larger ones are refereed to as dwarf planets (Ceres) others planetoids or minor planets.

Another name for asteroid that starts with 'p'?

Planetoid is another name for an asteroid. See the related link for more information.

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What is the name of the asteroid that hit planet earth that set perfect orbit and rotation as we know it?

It was not an asteroid. It was a planet. The name starts with an 'M'.

What is different name for an asteroid?

Another name for asteroids are planetoids.

What is the name and size of the biggest asteroid?
