

Best Answer

it was called The Odyssey if u pause the move in the landing scene and use slow motion u can beerly see the name

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Q: What is the name of the big air ship in avatar?
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Who is the bounty hunter girl in Avatar the Last Air Bender?

June the big huge rat thing is nyla

How did Titanic get her name?

the titanic got her name from being so big. people just thought it would be a good name for such a giant ship

What Is Jabbashi?

It Is A Popular Ship Name Of Tadashi From Big Hero 6 And Jabba The Hutt From Star Wars.

What do cave man do for a living?

Jordan v is having a party in the USA. Big avatar

Why was the titanic so cool?

it was a very big ship and people thought it was unsinkable it was a very big ship and people thought it was unsinkable

Related questions

Name of the avatar in the last air bender?

An Avatar the only person who has the ability to master all four elements air, water, earth and fire. They are born in each of the nations e.g. when Avatar Aang (the current avatar who is an air nomad) dies then Korra is born in the Southern Water Tribe as that is the avatar cycle. Their job is to keep the world at peace in the world. they are the great bridge between the spirit world and the human world. The avatars have special abilities such as the avatar state- a state in which the current avatar has the power of all his past lives they become connected. once the avatar has mastered their element then they have to master the other elements in order of the avatar cycle. e.g. Aang has mastered air he must master water, earth then fire. korra has mastered water she has to muster earth, fire and air. the avatar is usually told at the age of 16 unless there is a big problem e.g. Aang is told at the age of 12 because the Fire Nation are about to start the war

Who is the bounty hunter girl in Avatar the Last Air Bender?

June the big huge rat thing is nyla

What is another name for a large ship?

Big ship. Vessel. Carrier.

What is the name of a boat that tows a big ship?

A tug boat.

Who is the illustrator of avatar?

There was no specific or one man behind the illustration of Avatar there was a big team behind this.

Why does that a small pin sinks in water whereas A big ship floats in water Explain?

AnswerThe air in the ship PLUS the weight of the ship must just equalthe weight of the water displaced (pushed out of the way)by the hull of the ship.The pin lacks the air.

What is the difference of a oil tanker and a container ship?

the oil tanker is the ship in which there are big tanks for oil and container ship takes the goods packed in the containers which are totally water prof and air tight

Was hernan cortes's ship big?

about as big as Columbus's ship

What are the avatars in the last airbender?

An Avatar the only person who has the ability to master all four elements air,water,earth,fire. They are born in each of the nations e.g. when Avatar Aang (the currant avatar who is an air nomad) dies then Korra is born in the Sourthern Water Tribe as that is the avatar cycle.Their job is to keep the world at peace in the world.they are the great bridge between the spirit world and the human world.The avatars have special abilities such as the avatar state-a state in which the currant avatar has the power of all his past lives they become connected.once the avatar has mastered their element then they have to master the other elements in order of the avatar cycle.e.g. Aang has mastered air he must master water,earth,then fire.korra has mastered water she has to muster earth,fire,and air.the avatar is usally told at the age of 16 unless there is a big problem.e.g.Aang is told at the age of 12 because the fire nation is about to start the war.

How did Titanic get her name?

the titanic got her name from being so big. people just thought it would be a good name for such a giant ship

What Is Jabbashi?

It Is A Popular Ship Name Of Tadashi From Big Hero 6 And Jabba The Hutt From Star Wars.

How big was the crew for avatar?

It was just Saukra ,anag,sokkaand,toph