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Q: What is the name of the biggest bay in Canada which is named after an explorer?
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What is the name of the large river that flows north into the Beaufort sea in Canada?

That is the Mackenzie River, largest and longest river in Canada. Named for Scottish explorer Alexander Mackenzie who canoed its length in 1789

What british explorer gave Columbia river its name?

christopher Columbus named the river...

Who was Hudson Bay named after?

Henry Hudson, an explorer who did 4 journeys and explore red the Hudson Bay almost halfway before he was mutinied.HenryHudson bay was named for Henry Hudson, who was an explorer who explored the Hudson Bay almost halfway before he was mutinied.The Hudson Bay was indeed named after the famous french explorer named Henry Hudson. Henry Hudson was the first person that sailed to what we now call CanadaThis was typed by a 10 year old. That has all A's.HenryHudson bay was named for Henry Hudson, who was an explorer who explored the Hudson Bay almost halfway before he was mutinied.Hudson bay was named for Henry Hudson, who was an explorer who explored the Hudson Bay almost halfway before his crew mutinied.

The name of the Sea between Australia and New Zealand?

The Tasman Sea named for Dutch explorer Abel Tasman.

Why was Canada given the name dominion of Canada?

The name "Canada" originated from a First Nation word "kanata" which means village. It was anglicized. "Dominion of" is a change. Sir John A. MacDonald initially suggested "Kingdom of Canada". It was rejected because many people from Canada and Britain felt that the Americans may take offense. Therefore, it was changed to something less assertive, yet provided a sense of pride for all Canadians, and still does.

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Name any places named after explorers in Canada?

Hudson Bay in Manitoba, named after English explorer Henry Hudson. Vancouver, British Columbia, named after British explorer George Vancouver. Cartier Square in Ottawa, named after French explorer Jacques Cartier.

Was North Carolina named after a explorer?

No it was named after an explorer but yes a person. His name was Charles IX his name in latin is Carolina

What is the last name of a spanish explorer for whom America is named after?

America was named after an Italian explorer by the name of Amerigo Vespucci.

Large bay named after the explorer of the same name?

It might be Hudson's Bay, named after the explorer Henry Hudson.

What is the name of the large river that flows north into the Beaufort sea in Canada?

That is the Mackenzie River, largest and longest river in Canada. Named for Scottish explorer Alexander Mackenzie who canoed its length in 1789

Why is the name Canada important to Canadian history?

The explorer Jacques Cartier named Canada. The Native Americans that he met, whom were either the Iroquois or the Huron, no one knows for sure, called their village "Kanata." Cartier heard this and misunderstood, thinking that that was the word for the entire area, and he named it Canada.

Where did the state get its name?

from a European explorer , named Amerigo

Who is the name of the explorer that Colombia was named after?

Colombia was named after Cristobal Colon aka Columbus.

What is the name of Canada's biggest battleship?

Canada never built any battleships.

Places named after explorers?

Hudson Bay is named after a great explorer by the name of Henry Hudson.

Other name for pond in Canada?

The biggest lake in Canada is called Lake Superior.

What is the name of a river in New York named after an explorer?

Hudson River