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Q: What is the name of the birth control inserted into your arm?
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Is it possible for birth control to be in the womens arm?

Yes the birth control implant is usually placed in the arm.

What is the birth name of Mark Arm?

Mark Arm's birth name is McLaughlin, Mark Thomas.

What happens if you take the birth control shot in the same arm?

You can get the birth control injection in the same arm every time for years. There is no medical need to rotate injection sites.

Where do you get shots for birth control in your body?

in your arm eaither one.

Can you put the birth control patch on your wrist?

No, but you can put the patch on your upper arm.

What is the purpose of a birth control shot?

The birth control shot is a very effective form of birth control. The hormone progesterone in the birth control shot works by preventing ovulation. The shot is given in the arm or the buttocks every three months. There is a chance of pregnancy if you wait over three months for your next shot.

Is implanon birth control covered?

it goes under the skin around the top inner arm area

Where is a control arm used?

A control arm is used in automotive suspension. The control arm is also known as the wishbone, A-arm or A-Frame. The control arm is used to attach the wheels of a car to the rest of the frame.

I have this birth control in my arm that last 3 years but it went dead the 20th can it cause any harm in late removal?

No, a birth control method that is implanted will not cause any harm even if it is a late removal.

How do you change a lower control control arm?

replace a control arm 99 tarus