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there is no such bug

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Q: What is the name of the bug that enters mouth to lay eggs so the babies can eat your brain?
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Do babies come from a heron?

From a heron's eggs. A heron is a bird and lays eggs. The babies hatch from the eggs.

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If the fish can find the eggs and/or babies they will eat them.

Do pythons lay eggs out of their mouth?

No, pythons do not lay eggs out of their mouth.

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Yes a lady had spider eggs in her mouth from licking stamps with the eggs on it. The eggs gotimbeddedin her lip and hatches. The spiders then crawled out of her mouth.

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Raccoons give birth to live babies, they do not hatch from eggs.

If a female Quaker parrot lays eggs but there is no male involved will there be babies in the eggs?

No, there will not be babies unless a male fertilizes the eggs.

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If a girl betta is pregnant with eggs can the boy betta still help the babies?

The male Betta builds a nest and takes the female under it. Then he embraces her and squeezes the eggs out and fertilises them. As the eggs sink down towards the floor of the tank he picks them up in his mouth and blows them into his nest. Once the female has no more eggs left she should be removed because the male fish will kill her if you don't. He will then look after the eggs and babies until they become free swimming if he is not removed at this time he will eat the babies.

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The babies of butterflies are caterpillar eggs.

Do kangaroos have babies or eggs?

they have babies called Joeys.