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the sun

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Q: What is the name of the celestial body that undergoes nuclear fusion?
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Related questions

The process of fusion occurs naturally in which celestial body of the solar system?

the sun.

What determines if n object in outer space is a Planet?

A planet is a celestial body which orbits a star, a planet must be large enough for it's own gravity to create it's spherical shape but not too large that it undergoes thermonuclear fusion (thermonuclear fusion is the process of star becoming a star due to it's size) there are many other factors but that was a basic answer.

Is the sun a moon or a star?

Our sun is a star. Stars are self-luminous celestial body which is made out of a mass of gasses that is held together by gravity. The light seen by us are caused by nuclear reactions occurring within the stars core. A moon is a celestial body that orbits a planet or other celestial body.

What is massive body of plasma that shines due to energy released by nuclear fusion?

The sun and other stars.

What is the scientific definition of fuel?

A substance that produces useful energy when it undergoes a chemical or nuclear reaction. Fuel such as coal, wood, oil, or gas provides energy when burned. Compounds in the body such as glucose are broken down into simpler compounds to provide energy for metabolic processes. Some radioactive substances, such as plutonium and tritium, provide energy by undergoing nuclear fission or fusion.

Is The sun is a star and is a burning ball of gas?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines "star" as "a self-luminous gaseous spheroidal celestial body of great mass which produces energy by means of nuclear fusion reactions." So, yes, in more simple terms, it is a big ball of burning gas.

Is the sun a star and is a big burning ball of gas?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines "star" as "a self-luminous gaseous spheroidal celestial body of great mass which produces energy by means of nuclear fusion reactions." So, yes, in more simple terms, it is a big ball of burning gas.

How do you define a celestial body?

A celestial body is any physical body beyond the earth's atmosphere.

Does sun revolve around any celestial body?

No sun doesn't revolve to any celestial body, but the celestial body revolve around the sun.

Is the sun a burning ball of gasses and dust?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines "star" as "a self-luminous gaseous spheroidal celestial body of great mass which produces energy by means of nuclear fusion reactions." So, yes, in more simple terms, it is a big ball of burning gas.

What kind of celestial body is the International Space Station?

The Space Station is no a celestial body. Celestial bodies are natural -- not man made.

What is the nearest celestial neighbor?

The moonMoon is the closet celestial body.