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The Pesach Seder.

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Q: What is the name of the ceremonial dinner commemorating the story of Exodus?
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Which Jewish festivals are associated with the Moses story?

The Jewish festivals associated with the Moses story are Passover (celebrating the Exodus from Egypt), Shavuot (commemorating the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai), and Sukkot (recalling the wandering in the desert).

What Jewish holy book describes the story of the exodus?

The Book of Exodus.

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Why did the Isaraelites begin their story with the exodus?


What did you find confusing in the book of Exodus?

There is nothing confusing about the book of Exodus. This is a story from the Bible.

Is the story Noah and the Ark from Exodus?

No, it's still in Genesis. Exodus is the book about Moses.

Why in the Bible is the story called exodus?

Exodus means 'exit', and in the book of Exodus the Moses and his people are escaping from Pharaoh, and exiting Egypt.

The exodus in the Old Testament refers to?

Exodus means "mass exit." Exodus is the story of Moses and how he set the Iraelites free from Egypt and lead them on an Exodus to the promise land.

What are facts about the exodus story?

The only fact about the Exodus story is, there are no facts to support it.

Why this story called exodus?

Exodus means 'exit', and in the book of Exodus the Moses and his people are escaping from Pharaoh, and exiting Egypt. Katiusca <3

Summary of Chicken for Dinner by Antonia Bisquera?

summary about the story chicken for dinner by antonia bisquera

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