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Q: What is the name of the concentration camp that most people escaped from?
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Related questions

What people were sent to Hitler's concentration camp?

Jewish people were sent to Hitler's concentration camp. They were starved there, beaten and most were burned to death.

Which concentration camp were people settle in a cattle car?

Pretty much all concentration camps had a railway track near to the camp where the deportees would arrive from. The concentration camp which people most likely to know which had a rail track going into the camp would be Auschwitz Birkenau.

How many survivors were there in Dachau concentration camp?

Approximately 200,000 people survived auschwitz concentration camps , most of them was Jews, Soviet POWs and couple of gypsies and 1 or 2 homosexuals.

What did most of the people die from in Dachau?

emaciation, suicide, disease ___ However, Dachau was an ordinary concentration camp, not an extermination camp - and did not have a particularly high death rate for a Nazi concentration camp.

Did all people die in concentration camps?

No, some escaped and some were released. But most of them died yes.

Why were Auschwitz and dachau the most famous concentration camps?

Auschwitz was an extermination camp that killed the most people.Dachau was the first concentration camp.

What was ravensbruck most famous for?

a concentration camp.

What concentration camp was Corrie ten Boom in?

Ravensbruck concentration camp

Did the Nazis constatly look at the fences?

In concentration camps they did most of the time but if you read storys that some of the camps they were careless and most of the jewish people escaped

Did Jews escape from the Nazi Concentration Camps?

About 300 prisoners (not all of them Jews) escaped successfully from Auschwitz. However, it was the biggest camp ... One also needs to compare the figure with the number of victims killed there - which was at least 1.1 million.

How many people were killed at the Auschwitz-Birkeneau concentration camp?

It is estimated that 1.1 million people, most of them Jewish, died in Auschwitz.

What did the Jewish people in the concentration camps during world war 2 eat?

it depended on what concentration camp. most of the time you got crackers or cheese or butter.