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Q: What is the name of the device used to extract oil and gas from the ground?
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The device used to deenergize circuits automatically when a very small ground fault current flows is the?

A ground fault circuit interrupter is the device used to de-energize the circuit.

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Open Pit Mining

What is Copper Grounding Strap?

It is a device that is used to ground vibrating machinery to the ground wire of the device's feeder wire. The strap has extra flexibility that will take the bending and flexing from the machine to the ground terminal. If a wire is used, most times it will stress fracture and break due to the vibration, leaving the device ungrounded.

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The name of a device used to conduct an orchestra is a baton.

The device used to de-energize circuits automatically when a very small ground-fault current flow is the?

Ground fault interupter.

The device used to deenergize circuits automatically when a very small ground-fault flows is the?

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI).

What is a machine used to extract cream from milk?

raised on a farm I know this a cream separator a device that separates the heavier milk from the cream by centrifugal force

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Usually a joystick is used as an input device for gaming purpose. A keyboard is also used for such purpose

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Believe it or not, it's called a "lowering device"

Saw palmetto is the extract of what plant?

Saw Palmetto Extract is extracted from a plant of the same name, scientifically known as Serenoa repens. It is used in forms of traditional medicine.