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The Name Of the Effect Is called Tremolo

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Q: What is the name of the effect when 2 notes clash with each other?
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What does clashed mean?

Clash means "to come into conflict", or "to fight". Troops can clash with rioters. Two colours that do not go together are said to clash. You can clash with your boss over, say, working methods. Personalities can be said to clash when two people just can't get on with each other.

Can you do btec and a levels at the same time?

Yes You can do it as long as they do not clash with each other on your timetable.

Is clash an onomatopoeia?

Yes, "clash" is considered an onomatopoeia because the word itself mimics the sharp sound of two objects striking or colliding with each other.

How education and housing affect each other?

education and housing does not effect each other. education does not effect housing and housing does not effect education.

What part of speech is the word each?

Adjective, pronoun, and adverb, depending on its usage in a sentence. Adj. meaning being one of two or more considered individually; every. Each person cast a vote. My technique improved with each lesson. pron. meaning every one of a group considered individually; each one. Each donated a dollar to the fund. adv. meaning for or to each one; apiece. The candies cost ten cents each.

Should one wear a gray and kacky colored attire Do they clash?

The colors gray and khaki don't clash but they don't really compliment each other either. Try wearing blue with grey or khaki.

FT3 FT4 TSH how they effect each other?


Who cannot be a good friend of yours?

A person who feels opposite to you cant be a good friend. You will clash each other in various matters.

What are the notes to stamp on the ground on piano?

They are actually called pedals. And they aren't notes. Each of the 3 pedals effect how the notes are produced. The right pedal lengthens the note you have played. The left pedal makes the note shorter. And I'm not sure about the centre one.

How do you use clash in a sentence?

Here is one way you can use clash in a sentence: Those socks and shoes clashed with each other. When something clashes with something else, it means they don't go together. They don't match. They look bad together.

What is the definition of the clash of civilizations?

Different civilizations have different ideals, beliefs, and attitudes, which may not be compatible with those of other civilizations, so when two civilizations encounter each other in some manner (immigration, war, the internet, etc.) there can be a conflict that results. We can call it a clash of civilizations.

Why do you think the volcano erupted?

volcanos erupt because when 2 tectonic plates clash into each other thatwhat forms an volcano to erupt