

What is the name of the first movie of Maximum Ride?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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The Angel Experiment.

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Q: What is the name of the first movie of Maximum Ride?
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What is the name for the ''Maximum Ride'' movie?

Movie 1: Maximum Ride: The Fugitives Movie 2: Maximum Ride: The Protectors

What is the name of the maximum ride movie?

Maximum Ride: Angels of Science

What is Dr Martinez's first name in Maximum Ride?

Dr. Martinez's first name in the Maximum Ride series is Valencia.

What is the name of the first Maximum Ride book written by James Patterson?

maximum ride the angel experiment

Whats the name of the Fourth Maximum Ride book?

The name of the forth maximum ride is: Maximum Ride: The Final Warning

What is the dogs name in Maximum Ride?

Total is the name of the dog in Maximum Ride.

What is the name of the fourth Maximum Ride book?

It is called "Maximum Ride: The Final Warning".

What is the name of book number 7 in the Maximum Ride series?

The seventh Maximum Ride book is "Angel".

Who is the cast of Maximum Ride?

no one yet but go to and there are some really good ppl on there. the Fang who won the contest on there is really really good. he should play in Maximum Ride the movie, his name is Chrisitan.

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Is there an excerpt for the eighth Maximum Ride book?

Yes, there is an excerpt for the 8th Maximum Ride book. It's name is Nevermore: A Maximum Ride Novel, and the excerpt is in the back of Angel: A Maximum Ride Novel, Deluxe Edition... Nevermore is set to come out August 6th, 2012.