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Answer #1:

It could be called a lot of things, but you might just call it a push force

or an applied force to be clear.


Answer #2:

After Dad has stopped pushing and the child is in the process of sliding down,

there are two real forces and one pseudo-force acting on her. I don't think any

of them has a name, but they're easy to describe:

-- the gravitational force, pointing straight toward the center of the Earth;

-- the normal force, pointing perpendicular to the slide outward, and equal to the

component of the gravitational force that's perpendicular to the slide inward;

-- the pseudo-force of friction, pointing parallel to the slide, and opposite to the

child's motion;

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2d ago

The force exerted on a child coming down a slide is called friction. Friction is the resistance between the surface of the slide and the child's body, which helps to slow down the child's descent and prevent them from sliding too fast.

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11y ago

Gravity & friction.

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Q: What is the name of the force exerted on a child coming down a slide?
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When does a child on a slide have its maximum kinetic energy?

If the slide has no friction, then at the bottom of the slide. If it does then it's when the child is going the fastest.

How are fricition and force related?

Friction is a force and is the result of any force acting on a object. It is usually associated with two sliding objects or an object sliding across a plane. When a force is exerted on an object an opposing force is created by friction. The opposing force is equal to the exerted force until the exerted force exceeds the limiting friction. The limiting friction is determined by the coefficient of friction between the two surfaces and the "weight" of the object. To put it another way, imagine pushing a sheet of sandpaper across a rubber mat, which would have a high coefficient of friction. The weight of the sandpaper is minimal so the limiting friction is rather small. Now put a 5kg weight on the sandpaper and it becomes much more difficult to get the sandpaper to slide. Max friction = μ.N μ = coefficient of friction N = Normal force("weight")

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The main forces acting on you as you slide down a waterslide are gravity, which pulls you downward, and the normal force exerted by the slide, which pushes you upward. These forces work together to propel you down the slide at a controlled speed. Friction between your body and the slide also plays a role in slowing you down and providing a smooth ride.

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What is a safe speed for a child on a slide?

A safe speed for a child on a slide is a moderate, controlled speed where they can enjoy the ride without risking injury. It is important for children to slide feet-first and in a seated position to maintain control and avoid potential accidents. Adult supervision is also recommended to ensure the child's safety.

I did a huff puff and slide experiment. I know that the added weight effected the frinction bt the cup and table which effected the distance of the cup. How do I word it more scientificaly for a repo?

"Increasing the weight on the cup altered the static friction between the cup and the table, consequently influencing the displacement of the cup during the huff, puff, and slide experiment."

A 21.2 kg child descends a slide 3.5 m high and reaches the bottom with a speed?

The answer depends on the incline (slope) of the slide. And, if you want a more realistic answer, a measure of the friction between the child and the slide.

How do you use the word collide?

You can use the word "collide" to describe a situation where two objects or people come into contact forcefully, often resulting in a crash or impact. For example, "The two cars collided at the intersection" or "Her schedule collided with mine, causing us to reschedule our meeting."

Can a cuboid slide and roll?

It can slide if there is enough force to overcome static friction. Similarly, it can roll if the force is great enough to impart a sufficiently large turning moment (and maintain it).

How do you make Aluminum foil slide faster than a child sliding down a slide?

To make aluminum foil slide faster than a child, you can smooth out any wrinkles or creases in the foil to reduce friction. Additionally, you can sprinkle some oil or water on the surface where the foil will slide to further decrease friction and increase speed. Lastly, ensure that the surface is smooth and inclined to provide a slick sliding path for the foil.

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sliding force.