

Best Answer

It should be something from these

Rolling friction

Static friction

Sliding friction

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Q: What is the name of the force that makes it hard to pull stuff along?
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What is the force that makes it hard to pull something?

the force we think is called gravity No its friction.

What is a force called that is supportive force?

The force called supportive force is a force exerted by hard surfaces

When can you feel positive g force and negative g force?

G force is the gravity force. When you go up on a swing and at the highest point you feel weightless, that is negative g force. When you are in one of those rides that makes you feel super heavy (or when you're at the bottom of a big hill on a roller coaster) that is positive g force. Both negative and positive g force can kill you. Positive g force makes blood have a hard time getting to the brain and negitive g force makes it too easy to get blood to your brain. Before you die, you throw up, then pass out. Don't worry about going on roller coasters though. In the USA rides are only alowed to have 3.5 g force each way (i think, can someone check my numbers?) and you throw up at 5 g force each way and at 10+ g force each way you pass out.

Why do you feel a jerk when an elevator starts and also when it stops?

Because of something called inertia, and poor mechanics. Stuff that isn't moving likes to stay that way, and stuff that is moving likes to stay that way too. So when you force it to change, like when an elevator starts and stops, it's hard to make that completely smooth.

What happens to the magnitude of frictional force when two surfaces are pressed hard?

In my opinion , frictional force will increase