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Q: What is the name of the garment used to hold the socks up?
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What is temporary stitching?

temporary stitch are used to hold pieces of garment together.

Is jersey the name of a person or place?

Place or garment. Never heard it used as a name

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Sewing thread is used to hold together two pieces of a garment or really anything that you sew...

Is socks a good cat name?

no The name Socks is often used for an animal that has different coloring in the fur around its feet, looking like socks. If a cat does not have such coloring, it would be a bit unusual to give it that name, and some people might wonder about it.

Why were socks created?

Socks were created to provide warmth, protection, and comfort for the feet. They help to regulate temperature, prevent blisters, and absorb moisture, making them an essential garment for foot health and overall comfort.

What are stitch rippers used for?

The clue's in the name - ripping stitches! Its used for undoing seams if you have made a mistake or want to change a garment. You can use a small pair of sharp scissers instead, but a stitch ripper is easier and sometimes less likely to accidently harm the garment.

How do you care for a bodice?

A bodice is the upper part of a dress. Most often, it is a simple loose blouse which can be adorned or modified with assorted corset affairs. If you wish to clean the corset type of garment, make sure that the strings are removed, and the stays (if any) are out of the garment. The stays are the stiff strips which hold the garment straight, and they can be removed in most of the garments. Look on the inside of the garment near the bottom of the stay pocket, and there should be a tiny hole. This is how the stay is inserted and removed. When the stays are removed, it is best to hand wash the garment and let it air dry to reduce wrinkles. Iron if necessary. A fabric refresher may be used to good effect if the garment is used over a blouse.

What is the name for press clothes?

The press clothes can be referred to as "garment press pads" or "pressing pads." These items are used during ironing or pressing to protect the garment from direct heat and provide a smooth surface for ironing.

What are socks used for?

To warm your feet.

What did ancient Egyptians used as socks?

hey didn't wear socks or use anything on their feet

How did long johns get there name?

The origin is uncertain and therefore unknown. However, there is a theory that the garmnent was named after the heavyweight boxer John Sullivan who used to wear a similar garment in the boxing ring. The same company has been making this garment for 225 years

Why is a garment factory an industrial market?

A garment factory is an industrial market because the garments are sold from one business to another. Raw materials are used at a garment factory to produce an end product.