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That would be oxygen (16O).

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Sanford Balistreri

Lvl 10
2y ago
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15y ago

There ain't no such animal ! Oxygen is a gas with an Atomic Mass of 16, but it has only 8 electrons. It is quite impossible for any atom to have more electrons than its mass no.

Overview of Cobalt

Atomic Number:27

Group: 9

Period: 4

Series: Transition Metals

Number of Electrons (with no charge): 27

Atomic Mass Average: 58.9332

but its atomic mass is not 16

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14y ago

If the atomic mass (protons+neutrons) is 16 and 8 of the nucleons are neutrons, then 16-8 is the number of protons. In the Periodic Table one find that the element with atomic number no 8 is oxygen.

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1mo ago

The gas with atomic mass 16 and 8 neutrons is oxygen.

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14y ago

Oxygen is the name of the gas that has an atomic mass of 16 and 8 neutrons.

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14y ago

That would be oxygen (16O).

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Q: What is the name of the gas that has atomic mass 16 and 8 neutrons?
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Gas atomic mass 16 8 nuetrons?

The number of protons and neutrons in an atom is equal to its atomic mass. Since the atomic mass of this gas atom is 16 and it has 8 neutrons, the remaining mass (16-8=8) must be the protons in the nucleus. Therefore, this gas atom has 8 protons.

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The noble gas with 48 neutrons and a mass of less than 100 is Krypton. It has an atomic number of 36, which means it has 36 protons in its nucleus. The total mass of Krypton is slightly less than 100 atomic mass units.

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The atomic mass of a gas depends on the specific element that the gas is composed of. For example, the atomic mass of oxygen gas (O2) is approximately 32 g/mol, while the atomic mass of hydrogen gas (H2) is approximately 2 g/mol.

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Atomic mass is the mass according to the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom. The actual mass is the average of the masses of the different isotopes of the same element (alternative forms of the same element with the same no of protons but different no of neutrons) accordong to the isotopes mass and abundance in the world.

What is the mass of gas?

Atomic Mass is the count of how many protons and neutrons an element contains. So, there is not really an answer to your question. It would depend upon what elements the gas is made up of.

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The element with a mass of 30 and is a noble gas, other than neon, is krypton (Kr). With an atomic number of 36, krypton has 36 protons in its nucleus and typically has 44 neutrons in its most common isotope, giving it an atomic mass near 84.

What element has 18 protons and 22 neutrons?

The element with 18 protons and 22 neutrons is argon. Argon has an atomic number of 18, which corresponds to the number of protons, and an atomic mass of 40 (approx.), which is the sum of protons and neutrons.

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Neon is a noble gas with 10 neutrons. It has an atomic number of 10 and its most common isotope has 10 neutrons in its nucleus.

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The atomic number of argon (Z) is 18, which means it has 18 protons. The mass number (A) is 40, so subtracting the atomic number from the mass number gives you the number of neutrons. In this case, 40 - 18 = 22 neutrons.

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An example of a nonmetal with 10 neutrons and a mass greater than 19 is fluorine (atomic number 9). Fluorine has 10 neutrons and an atomic mass of approximately 19. It is a highly reactive gas at room temperature and is commonly found in compounds rather than in its pure form.

How many protons electron and neutrons are in nitrogen?

A neutral nitrogen atom has 7 protons, 7 neutrons, and 7 electrons. If it is electrically charged, the number of electrons will be different. If it is an isotope of nitrogen other than the most common (N-14), the number of neutrons will be different. Protons = Atomic Number Neutrons = Atomic Mass - Protons Electrons = Protons Atomic number is the amount of protons in element.

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