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The name of Gods and leaders is politicians.

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Q: What is the name of the gods and leaders?
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Is the acropolis used to worship the leaders or the gods?

No there is no leaders of Gods. there is only one god he has no leader. Belive me. that's what Easter is about.

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Who were leaders in ancient Greece?

They did not have leaders. Although they worshiped many gods and godesses. They believed if they prayed to these gods and godesses that what they prayed to a specific god or godess it would come true

Who was the leaders of gods?

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i dont know what the answer is. i was trying to find out the answer too. me too i was trying to figure this out

Roman leaders were concern that the Roman gods .?

For the most part of their history, the Roman leaders were concerned that their gods would withdraw their support. That's why they sacrificed to them and honored them with their various festivals and temples.

How did not believing that their leaders were gods affect the Hebrews' lives?

It meant that Jews were (are) monotheistic and don't worship people as gods.

What are the olmecs' leaders name?

Actually, the Olmecs had priests. But they believed in many gods. One of the most important. Also, they believed that the rain god appeared as a jaguar.

Were the Greek gods good examples of leaders?

They were not, as they were often moody and unpredictable.

When did Neptune Get Its Name?

It was the name of the Roman god of the Sea. After Rome leaders were formed, Numa Pompilius started the Roman religion based on the Greek religion but with different names of the gods. Neptune was really Poseidon.

What is the name of a major religious leader in judaism dead or alive?

There are a couple but the main leaders are: rabbi's- who are leaders in the synagogues or temples Abraham- the founder of Jewish faith Moses- who led the Jews out of Egypt and gave them the 10 Commandments Yahweh- the name they use for God, yet Jews believe that they are not worthy to utter Gods name so it is never said, evening when reading the Torah if they come across the name they do not speak it. Instead they use the name Adonai There are a couple but the main leaders are: rabbi's- who are leaders in the synagogues or temples Abraham- the founder of Jewish faith Moses- who led the Jews out of Egypt and gave them the 10 Commandments Yahweh- the name they use for God, yet Jews believe that they are not worthy to utter Gods name so it is never said, evening when reading the Torah if they come across the name they do not speak it. Instead they use the name Adonai