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Testosterone does not produce a hormone it IS a hormone.

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Q: What is the name of the hormone thatthe testosterone produces?
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What Male glands which produces sperm?

The gonad is another name for testicle which is the part of the male body that produces testosterone and sperm.

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Name the hormone that causes puberty in male mammals?

The name of the hormone that causes puberty in male mammals is the testosterone

In men luteinizing hormone is called?

The other name for the lutenizing hormone is called testosterone

What is the hormone responsible for the development and maintenance of female secondary sexual characteristics is?

The main androgen is Testosterone with increasing levels that begins Puberty and the Secondary Sexual Characteristics in males. Testosterone is produced in the testes. It encourages growth and maturation. Also important to mention is the Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) which enhances spermatogenesis. And, Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which similarly to testosterone, is a male reproductive hormone that helps the external genitalia to grow and become fertile.

What is a hormone make a boy develope a deep voice when he reaches puberty?

The name of that hormone is testosterone. This hormone is responsible for secondary sex characters in the boys. This hormone makes them aggressive. It is secreted by the endocrine cells from your testes.

What are the name of three of the hormones these glands secrete?

Some names of hormones that are secreted are estrogen, testosterone, thyroid hormone, growth hormone and luteinizing hormone. Thanks!

Name the main male hormone produced and give its function?

Testosterone...multiple functions

What is the name of the male and female sex hormone?

Female-Oesterogen and Progesteron Male-Testosterone

What is the name of the hormone tthat makes your body begin puberty?

The main chemical is called testostrone go"s though out your body and creates phyiscal changes insied and outside