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Q: What is the name of the incas capital city which is now Peru?
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Who is famous for defeating the Incas in Peru and establishing the capital city of Lima?

OK so, I'm doing a project on Peru and i have this dude (p.s it's a man) but i forgot his name. So, sorry

What is the name of the capital of Peru?

The South American nation of Peru has its capital at Lima. (pronounced "lee-mah")The city was established as the center of the Viceroyalty of Peru by the conquistador Francisco Pizarro (1471-1541).

What did Francisco Pizarro name the land?

Francisco sailed with his army over to Peru in 15th century and arrived in Lima. He fought the Incas and changed the capital city Cuzco into Lima.

What is the city name of Peru?

I can only assume you are looking for the CAPITAL of Peru. It is Lima.

Where did the Incas make their capital city the name of which is still retained?


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It's called the Sacred Valley Of The Incas or Urubamba Valley. It's close to Inca the capital of Cusco in Peru.

Is Lima a state or country?

It is not any of those. It is a city. It is the capital city of Peru. It is also a province and region of Peru. And there are several cities and towns in the US with that name.

Is lima state or country?

It is not any of those. It is a city. It is the capital city of Peru. It is also a province and region of Peru. And there are several cities and towns in the US with that name.

What is the name of the lost city of the incas?

The lost city of the Incas is called Machu Picchu. It is a well-preserved ancient Incan citadel located in the Andes Mountains of Peru, and is a popular tourist destination known for its stunning beauty and archaeological significance.

What was the name of Indian Civilization that lived in Peru?

Heatblast12: I am pretty sure its the "Incas".

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What is the name of the stone city in Incas that is on a mountain?

Machu Picchu is the name of the stone city in the Inca civilization that is located on a mountain in Peru. Built in the 15th century, Machu Picchu is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is known for its stunning architecture and panoramic views.