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Deltoid Tuberosity

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Q: What is the name of the insertion point for the deltoid muscle located on the anterolateral surface of the humerus?
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What is an anterolateral ligament?

An anterolateral ligament is a ligament located on the outside front portion of the knee.

The greater tubercle is located on the?

The greater tubercle is located on the humerus, a long bone of the body located in the upper arm. It serves as the point of insertion for several muscles in the arm and chest.

Points of muscle attachment are known as the?

Origin and Insertion One of the points of attachment is the ORIGIN (typically the non-moving point of attachment). The other point of attachment is the INSERTION (typically the moving point of attachment). For example - when the brachialis muscle (located on the upper arm) contracts - it shortens the distance between the origin (on the humerus - the upper arm bone and the insertion (on the radius - the forearm bone). The humerus does not move, but the radius does move - it moves closer to the humerus.

Location of deltoid muscle?

The deltoid muscle is located around the shoulder at the top. There is a deltoid muscle that is located on each shoulder.

Where is the bone deltoid located?

=ANSWER:==The deltoid is not a bone but a muscle in your shoulder.=

What is the upper arm that is used as an injection site is called?

The deltoid, located on the upper arm.

What is located on the distal aspect of the humerus?

The medial and lateral epicondyles are located on the distal apsect of the humerus. The distal humerus articulates with the radius and ulna.

What is muscle attachment and function?

Origin and Insertion One of the points of attachment is the ORIGIN (typically the non-moving point of attachment). The other point of attachment is the INSERTION (typically the moving point of attachment). For example - when the brachialis muscle (located on the upper arm) contracts - it shortens the distance between the origin (on the humerus - the upper arm bone and the insertion (on the radius - the forearm bone). The humerus does not move, but the radius does move - it moves closer to the humerus.

Why injections are given at deltoid?

To prevent injury to axillary nerve, which is located in the relatively upper part of deltoid.

The deltoid muscle is located near the?

The shoulder.

Where does the insertion of the muscle located?

Insertion of muscles are located in different areas depending on the muscle in question. The insertion of the latissimus dorsi muscle is the arm.

What is the number of humerus bones in the human body?

The humerus is a bone. You have a left a humerus located in your left upper limb and a right humerus located in your right upper limb. The humerus is considered the bone in your arm, while the radius and ulna make up the forearm.