

Best Answer

Occum's Rasor.

This isn't a law, just a highly respect rule.

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Q: What is the name of the law that states that a more complex system cannot be created in a less complex one?
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Linnaeus had a more complex system, and Aristotle did not, as generations went bye, the classification of organisms grew more complex and Linnaeus created a system that would fit in with any new organism, on the other hand Aristotle had a less "complex" system.

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First law of thermodynamics was proposed by Helmholtz in 1847. He stated that:"Energy can neither be created nor can be destroyed , but it can change from one form to another form"

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The law of conservation of mass. It states the total mass of an enclosed system cannot change. The law of conservation of energy. It states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed it transform from one form to another.

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the complex system of the human body are nervous system, skeletal system, mascular system and circular system.

The law of what of momentum states that momentum is never created or destroyed?

I don't think it's the law of momentum that's states that. It's the law of conservation that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can change from one form to another. The law of the conservation of linear momentum states that when the vector sum of the external foreces is equal to zero, the linear momentum of that system remains constant.