

What is the name of the lion's offspring?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The offspring of a lion is called a cub.

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Q: What is the name of the lion's offspring?
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What do you call the lion's offspring?

Young lions are cubs.Cubs

What is a sentence for offspring?

The offspring of the lions play together in the savanna, mimicking their parents' hunting techniques.

Do male or female animals primarily care for their offspring?

The females do the rearing of the offspring. In fact, some male animals are known for eating their own offspring, like Lions. Males are usually highly aggressive to their offspring.

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the name of a rabbit's offspring is jumbalia

Do lions live in their mother's pouch?

No. Lions do not have a pouch like kangaroos do. They are first formed in their mother's uterus and then are born and suckle milk from their mother. Humans have the same way of having offspring as lions do.

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The word in that expression being loins, not lions, and loins being the lowest part of the abdomen, the fruit of of someone's loins is their offspring.

Do lions live together or on their own?

Usually in groups called prides. A pride of lions consists of related females and offspring and a small number of adult males.

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The offspring of a snail does not have a specific name. They are simply referred to as baby snails or snail offspring.

What is the group that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring?

Only members of the same species meet in the wild and mate to produce fertile offspring.Example: Lions

Where do jaglion live?

Jaglions lions can only be found in captivity! There are no jaglions in the wild as jaglions are the offspring between the lion & the jaguar, Lions & jaguars live on different continents & would never come into contact in the wild! So in order for them to produce hybrid offspring together, they would have to be housed together in captivity!

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The name of an offspring depends on the stage within the life cycle you are referring. Offspring are either called larva or ant.

What is the name of whales offspring?

A whales offspring, is called a calf.