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Q: What is the name of the man who discovered that the sun was alive?
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Who discovered sun?

In evolution, the sun was discovered by the first of the human evolutionary stages to develop eyes, who was intelligent enough to recognize light and objects. This man is not known. Probably an ape man. In creationism, the sun was discovered by Adam, the first man. If you are asking who discovered that the sun was the center of the solar system, then ask it. If you are asking who discovered the sun was round, ask it. Be more specific.

What is the name of the spacecraft that discovered the sun?

The space craft that discovered the Sun was called the Shwambulance.

Who discovered the name of the sun?

The "name" of the sun was never really something discovered. The English word "sun" comes to us from the Greek word "Sol".

When was the source of the sun energy discovered?

It wasn't discovered, but seen by early man. How it was there was answered in myths and mythology by man.

When was the sun first discovered?

When man was intelligent enough to recognize it was there.

Why was helium named like that?

Helium was first discovered in the sun spectroscopically. It get its name from the Greek word, Helios, meaning "the sun".

Where did helium get his name from?

Helium pays homage to Helios, a Greco-Roman sun god. Helium was spectroscopically discovered in the sun"s rays before it was found on earth. It was discovered formally in 1868.

Where does the very light gas helium get its name?

From the Sun. Helium was discovered on the Sun (to be precise, in its spectrum), before it was discovered on Earth.

Who discovered the sun when?

The Sun has been visible since any creature, including man looked up into the sky. Because of this, it cannot be said that anyone discovered it or when.

How did helium get the name?

Helium was first discovered in the sun spectroscopically. It get its name from the Greek word, Helios, meaning "the sun".

Where did helium get it name?

from the greek god of the suncalled Helios

Helium was discovered as component of the?

Helium was first discovered as a component of the sun before being discovered on earth. Hence the name.