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Q: What is the name of the middle of your top lip?
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What is the name of the bone behind the top lip?

That's you teeth and your gums

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What does it mean when your top lip twitch?

top lip twitch means to put your lip in your eye and keeep on twitching wierdly

Why are lips called lips instead of lip?

Because we have a bottom lip and a top lip so we have 2 lips in total! That means it's a plural! Otherwise if we had a just a top lip it would be a lip!

What you call the piercing at the bootom of lip?

Actually it depends on where you get it pierced on you bottom lip. and its call the Labert when its in the middle of your lip.

How do you write middle initial if you have two middle name?

dude it's so easy just take the top part of the first middle name and put that ontop of the botom part of the second middle name. like if you had Amy as your first middle name take the top of A . then lets say that your second middle name tami take the botom of the T and put them together and behold you have your vary own middle initial.

Are there any vains on your bottom lip?

Yes there are veins in your bottom and top lip.

Is your top lip darker than your bottom lip?

only after chocolate milk ;)

What is the name of the lip balm that is also a lip plumper?

lip camphor

What is the piercing called where its below your lip and its to the side but its not called a lowbret piercing picture please?

labret is the only one i can think of, snake bites if they're done on either side. unless you're refering to a monroe, (left upper lip) or madonna (right upper lip) or "angel bites" for both. i hope this helps Edit: Snakebites: When you have one piercing either side of the bottom of your lip. Angelbites: When you have one piercing either side of the top of your lip. One above your lip in the middle is a madonna. One above your lip to the side is a monroe. One in the middle at the bottom is a labret. Two on one side at the bottom of the lip is called a spiderbite. One to the side at the bottom of your lip is just a lip piercing i guess. (:

What is the superstitious meaning for a twitching lip?

If the bottom lip twitches it means you will get a kiss. If your top lip twitches you will give a kiss.

What is it called when you get the middle of your lip pierced?

a labret piercing