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The American President

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Q: What is the name of the movie about the president dating and there is a joke about the dish room?
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In Twilight the movie What is the joke about Bella in the kitchen?

i dont know , wouldnt watch that crap movie , the only joke i know about that film is , that twilight is a joke

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President Bobalopashamalamadingdong No joke, seriously

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There is no movie, its an April Fool's joke.

Why was the Legend of Zelda movie trailer considered an April Fool's joke?

Because someone made it on the computer and as a joke post it as the movie trailer, it isn't really the movie trailer and their i no movie it was fan-made.

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It should not be but instead people thinks its a joke wtf.

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thare is no movie. that was an April fools joke:(

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It was a joke in the movie.

How should my joke end what's a parrot's favorite movie?

Your joke should end on a high note at the end of the Parrot's favorite's movie. This will leave the audience in stitches.

What movie had a joke in it about the movie Up?

"No Strings Attached" with Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman

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there is NO movie. whatever u saw was fake. there was a a movie, but it was an April fools joke

Will the next Zelda movie be based on the twilight princess?

there is no Zelda movie the trailer wuz a joke

Who is the Rock dating now that he and his wife Dany are now divorced?

The Rock is dating Tyson Beckford. Of course this is a joke people. Dwayne is not gay. He's not dating anyone and is seen here in Fla with his wife all the time.