

What is the name of the mummification salt?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Sodium carbonate: Na2CO3.10H2O.

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Q: What is the name of the mummification salt?
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Baking soda is the best salt solution for the mummification of a fish.

What is the modern name for mummification?

Mummification is the real name for it.

What is the Egyptian process of preserving a dead body called?

It did not really have a name. It was the mummification process.

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In ancient Egypt what was the name of the procces were they take out the organs and put fill up the body wih salt?

This process was mummification.

What did the ancient Egyptians used to dry out the body during mummification?

they used salt

What was an Egyptian natron?

It was salt to the ancient Egyptians. They used it to fill dead bodies in the mummification process to absorb moisture. By the way...the mummification process took 70 days to complete.

What is another name for mummification?

to wrap up

How is natron made?

natron is made of baking soda and salt , in fact it was used for the mummification process

What started mummification?

It all started out when ancient egyptians believed in a god by the name of Anubis who was a mummification god. they worshiped him for many years until he died. but they still do mummification.

What was applied to the body after mummification?

good smelling oils and the body was covered and stuffed with dry materials such as salt, and saw dust.

Can baking soda be used in the mummification process?

Yes. "Natron, a disinfectant and desiccating agent, was the main ingredient used in the mummification process. A compound of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate(salt and baking soda), natron essentially dried out the corpse."