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Q: What is the name of the muscle cells that are multinucleacted due to fusion of myoblast?
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Where is myoblast present?

They're in embryo, before developing into muscle cells in growth. (called myocytes)

What is a muscle cell called?

The scientific name for a muscle cell is a myocyte. Myocytes are also sometimes called muscle fibers. They are long, tube shaped, cells that develop from myoblasts.

What experimental procedures aim to cure muscular dystrophy?

In myoblast transfer, millions of immature muscle cells are injected into an affected muscle. The goal of the treatment is to promote the growth of the injected cells, replacing the defective host cells with healthy new ones

What are individual muscle cells termed?

Another name is myocyte. It is formed from a myoblast. There are three types: smooth, striated and cardiac cells.

What is a contractile myoblast?

Myoblasts are a type of stem cells that exist in muscles.

What can be found in every skeletal muscle?

Mycocytes, muscle cells sometimes called muscle fibers, are individual components that make up skeletal muscle cells. They are formed from the fusion of myoblasts known as myogenesis. They are long, cylindrical, multinucleate cells called myofibers. They are held together by connective tissue. The muscle is attached to tendons and bones,

Why are skeletal muscle cells multinucleated?

The number of cells depends on how large the muscle is; muscles consist of fiber bundles, which are made up of myofibrils. A sarcomere is one of the segments that the myofibril is divided into. In each fiber bundle there are multinucleate cells, which can extend the length of the skeletal muscle. So, the number of cells in a skeletal muscle depends on the size of the muscle. for example, the number of cells in one of our triceps larger than one of the small muscles in a finger.

What types of cells contracts to move an animal?

muscle cells...

How are individual muscle cells different from the muscle tissue in the bicep muscle?

Muscle cells are smaller than muscle tissues.

Do smooth muscles have branched cells?

No, cardiac muscle cells are branched but skeletal muscle cells are linear and do not branch

What cell contains most mitochondria?

Muscle cells.Metabolically very active cells. Muscle cells,heart cells have lot of mitochondria

How do muscle cells use fat cells when they burn?

Muscle cells don't use fat cells when they are burned. An increase in muscle can raise the metabolism causing the muscle cells to burn off the fat cells in storage.