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Q: What is the name of the on bay of Fundy where De Monts and Champlain spent their first winter?
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What culture does the surname Monts come from?

The Scottish surname Monts is first found in Peeblesshire, where they'd held a family seat.

Why did Samuel de Champlain come on voyages to Canada?

Samuel De Champlain came to Canada because he wanted to. He was a geographer for King Henry IV and when he heard about the expedition to Canada, he begged to join. At first, he was in it for Economic reasons to support France but after De Monts gave up hope on Quebec, Samuel De Champlain did not. He wanted to create a permanent settlement for a fur trading post for France and while he did, he enjoyed it. Meeting the Huron and Algonquins and teaming up to fight the Iroquois. He never lost hope until the English toke away the supplies from the French in winter at 1608. They did that because Champlain refused to give up Quebec to the English. The English did not want war so they simply stole their supplies leaving the French to survive the winter by eating raw food. Many of them had died at the end. Even Champlain was sick and about to die. The English asked again for Quebec, leaving Champlain no choice but to go back to France.

Did Samuel de Champlain have any problems or challenges on his trip?

no he no challanges. This is so wrong one one the mane challanges that Champlain had was that he spent the winter in quebec it was very cold for them! who ever did the first sentence is dumb. your welcome

Why did Samuel de Champlain come on the voyages to Canada?

Samuel de Champlain came on voyages to Canada to explore and establish French colonies in North America. He was tasked with finding new trade routes and expanding French influence in the region. Champlain also aimed to establish profitable fur trading partnerships with Indigenous peoples.

Why did Samuel de Champlain come to Canada?

Samuel de Champlain came to Canada to establish a French colony in the early 17th century. He wanted to find a passage to Asia, promote trade, and convert Indigenous peoples to Christianity. Champlain played a crucial role in exploring and mapping parts of Canada, particularly along the St. Lawrence River.

What was champlain's first name?

His full name was Samuel de Champlain.

When did Samuel de Champlain took his first voyage?

Samuel de Champlain took his first voyage in 1603

What was the original purpose of Samuel de Champlain's journey?

His first visits to Canada were on fur-trading expeditions. On the second (1604-1605) he decided to begin establishing permanent bases, beginning at St. Croix Island/Port Royal. He explored the Atlantic coast and the Bay of Fundy.

What did Samuel De Champlain want to do?

Samuel de Champlain wanted to establish and develop French colonies in the New World, particularly in the region that would later become Canada. He also aimed to strengthen trade networks and alliances with Indigenous peoples, and to further explore and map the North American continent.

Who founded the first french settlement quebec?

The first permanent French settlement was made by Samuel de Champlain, 1608 in modern day Quebec. what was it called?

Where did Samuel de Champlain travel?

Samuel de Champlain was a French explorer who explored Canada and founded Quebec City and New France.

Where was Champlain's first and last voyage?

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