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The Resurrection (1499), by Pietro Perugino.

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Q: What is the name of the painting in the pope's library - the one in the background when he poses with heads of state?
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Who seemed to be in charge of the church during the Renaissance?

The Pope was in charge of the church during the Renaissance. Throughout the Renaissance, there were several popes.

Who were the Medicis and why were they important?

They were a very powerful family of aristocrats and popes. They were patrons of amazing Renaissance artists, and they also ruled Florence for longer than 100 years.

What was the main subject matter in Renaissance paintings?

The renaissance paintings were usually about religion. When different artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Michelangelo and Raphael emerged they started to pain different things such as nudism and other stuff that was not related to the bible. Popes really disliked this.

How did renaissance mark a break from earlier patterns of thought and existence?

The word renissance means rebirth.Before renissance people started beliving in superstitions at a higher rate.The popes and bishops took advantage of this situ ation and started making money.Renissance had started in Europe and questioned the authority of popes as according to renissance everything had to be reasoned therefore there was division of christians into cathlics and protestants.Another effect of rennisance was that new vouges and sea routes were discovered thus helping the field of medicine there was a great progress.william harvey explained the function of heart in puriying bloodand circulation through had also developed tremendously .great scieentis like copernicus,galeiloand issac newton belonged to this peroid thus we can say that renissance marked a break throuh through superstions ,thought,existance,and als proggesed in various fields.

Which group of people supported Renaissance artists?

Well, the Renaissance movement in general was started in Italy, by many famous artists in the 15th-16th century. Cities would hire and/or support these artists. After the Renaissance movement started in Italy, many other European countries started to follow it, which led to more artistic and cultural improvements, aswell as an increase in the number of known artists.