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Q: What is the name of the person who greets the customer in a large automotive repair shop or dealership?
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What is required to get jobs in the automotive sales industry?

There are generally not cut and dry requirements for a job in automotive sales. What is required is knowledge of cars and a motivation to learn. You must be a people-person and good with customer service.

Who is the person who initially greets people at a wedding?

The Bride and Groom!

Where is the First Car Automotive Group located?

The First Car Automotive Group is located at Suite 9, 2512 Summit Avenue, Plano, Texas, 75074. The group is actually a second hand car dealership with the name suggesting it is a good place for a person to look for their first car.

What automotive dealer jobs pays the best salary?

Many automotive dealerships have jobs available that range from being a mechanic, a shipping clerk, and floor sales person. The part varies depending on the type of job you decide to get. There are some discounts available for the employees such as a discount for when they decide to buy a car from the dealership.

What is a person who fix cars?

A person that works on cars are considered automotive technicians. The more common term is a mechanic.

What are the differences between an automotive engineer and automotive technician?

An automotive engineer will be designing the mechanics, placement, operation of the system. An automotive technician will be the person doing general repairs to cars in a garage.

What is the name of the person that builds cars?

They are known as automotive engineers.

What is the difference between a an automotive welding engineer and just a welding engineer?

"Automotive" means that such a person is specialized in cars.

Who is the person who fixes cars?

A mechanic or an automotive technician is the person who fixes cars.

What is an automotive machanics?

i believe it is a person who works on cars

Who is the most important person in an automotive workshop?

The Director

What are the nouns in this sentence 'Tony liked the car at the dealership?

A noun is a person, place, or thing. Tony,car,dealership.