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Q: What is the name of the process used to remove salt from seawater?
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The process of removing salt from seawater

A process when salt is removed from seawater?


Why is desalination?

Desalination is the process of removing salt from seawater.

What is process used to make seawater drinkable by removing the salt?

Desalination Dawg also reffered to as removing salt from the seawater to make it drinkable

What is the process of removing salt to make seawater drinkable?


What is the process called when separating a solid from a liquid such as salt from seawater?


When salt is removed from sea water the process is called?

desalinationSaline comes from the Latin word salinus which means salty.

What is the desalination of seawater?

It's the process of taking away the salt out of the water.

What is the corrosion of carbon steel in seawater?

Steel is corroded by the oxygen that is dissolved in water, and in the case of seawater, the process is catalysed by the salt in the water.

How to remove salt in seawater?

Boil the water in a Pan until no water is left. and the salt crystals are ready to use!

Why is salt a solute in seawater?

Yes, salt is a solute in seawater. Water is the solvent, salt is one of the solutes, and the solution is seawater.

What is the process to separate the salt seawater into fresh water to become energy?

Desalination is the process to change the salt sea water into fresh water to become energy.