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Q: What is the name of the river that flows through Lyon France?
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le Rhône

What river flows through Lyon?

The Saône River

What river flows through Lyon to the Mediterranean Sea?

The river Rhone.

What is the name of the river that flows through Lyon to its way to the Mediterranean sea?

No river flows through Lyon and on to the English Channel. The Saone flows into the Rhone at Lyons, and the Rhone flows into the Mediterranean Sea, which is the complete opposite direction from Lyons than the English Channel is.

What is the name of the river that flows through lyon on the way to the mediterranean sea?


What is the name of the river that flows throgh lyon on its way to the mediterranean sea?

The Rhone

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Rhone. The Rhône quits Lake Geneva and passes France via Lyon entering the west mediterranean Sea between Montpellier and Marseille.

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The Saône joins the River Rhone, in Lyon France.

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Lyon, France

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try lyon...

Where is River port of south east France?

If it is for the guardian crossword = lyon.