

Best Answer

Octavian, later Augustus, is the Roman ruler that took over Egypt.

Octavian, later Augustus, is the Roman ruler that took over Egypt.

Octavian, later Augustus, is the Roman ruler that took over Egypt.

Octavian, later Augustus, is the Roman ruler that took over Egypt.

Octavian, later Augustus, is the Roman ruler that took over Egypt.

Octavian, later Augustus, is the Roman ruler that took over Egypt.

Octavian, later Augustus, is the Roman ruler that took over Egypt.

Octavian, later Augustus, is the Roman ruler that took over Egypt.

Octavian, later Augustus, is the Roman ruler that took over Egypt.

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Octavian, later Augustus, is the Roman ruler that took over Egypt.

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12y ago

Octavian (Agustus) julius cesar's son

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