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It was not one scientist that made this decision but the International Astronomical Union (IAU), which is the body officially recognized by astronomers and other scientists worldwide as the naming authority for astronomical bodies.

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Q: What is the name of the scientist that figured out that Pluto was not a planet anymore?
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Why isn't Pluto called a planet anymore?

Pluto isn't a planet anymore because it was to small to be considered a planet.

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plunto = Pluto by the way, but no as Pluto is not a planet anymore

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Pluto is the planet that scientist are saying is not a planet. Scientists are not saying any particular planet is not a planet. Simply that Pluto has been reclassified as a dwarf planet.

Is Pluto considered a planet anymore?

no, a dwarf planet

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That it is not considered a planet anymore

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Pluto, but some consider that Pluto is not a planet anymore.

Who thinks that Pluto is to small to be called a planet?

Pluto is not considered a planet anymore but is considered a dwarf planet.

Is Pluto considered terrestrial?

no, Pluto is officially NOT a planet anymore.

What planet is made of rock and ice?

The answer is Pluto. Pluto isn't a planet anymore so there is no planet made up of rock and ice.

How did a scientist prove that Pluto is not a planet?

Pluto became a dwarf planet because of its small size.