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It's not a named song, it's simply music composed by Walter Murphy for the episode.

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Q: What is the name of the song in American Dad's Rapture Delight when Jesus rides into Denver?
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What is the music in American dad episode Raptures Delight right after Jesus reveals the gem-encrusted turd?

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When Jesus returns to earth for judgment day will the rapture occur?

Depends on your religous beleive with me being agnostic i think it wont it depends on your religion.

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Do you have to be Christin to be raptured?

The rapture is Jesus Christ coming back for His bride, the Church. So yes, you must be a Christian to be taken in the rapture.

The rapture of the church?

There is no "rapture" of the church, as this is not in the Bible. The rapture is a man made teaching that is based upon the words "caught up" in the book of Thessalonians. (1 Thess. 4) The belief is that the church will be raptured away to heaven before the second coming of Christ Jesus. The problem is, the verse they base this rapture theory on IS describing the physical second coming of Christ. It is AT the second coming of Christ Jesus that the church is "caught up" to meet Jesus in the air, NOT before.

Do Jews believe in the rapture?

No, Jews do not believe in the rapture. They do not believe Jesus was the Messiah, therefore, they do not believe the New Testament is accurate or part of God's word. The concept of the rapture was created by Christianity and does not exist anywhere in Jewish teachings.

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Why will the saved comeback with Jesus at the rapture?

so they won't have to live through the seven years of tribulation.

What do Pentecostals believe about the Rapture?

Pentecostals generally believe the rapture will take place soon, the dead in Christ shall rise to heaven first, then to follow those that are alive, and all raptured will be with Jesus forever.

What will happen to harlots at the time of rapture?

The concept of the rapture, as understood in Christian theology, generally teaches that true believers will be taken up to meet Jesus in the air. The fate of individuals like harlots is not explicitly detailed in this context, as it is believed that salvation is available to all who accept Jesus Christ as their savior, regardless of their past actions or occupations. Ultimately, it is believed that only God can judge the hearts of individuals at the time of the rapture.

Is Jesus coming back to get all the Christians?

Yes, it is a promise. Soon, Jesus will return to Rapture (take to heaven) his church. Be ready. The Bible says Jesus' return will surprise eveyone. It will be like a thief in the night.