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The Arkenstone

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Q: What is the name of the stone Bilbo is expected to steal in the hobbit?
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What are four events that followed the capture of Bilbo by the trolls?

Bilbo trys to steal the troll's wallet. They capture him. The company is also captured. Gandalf comes and turns the trolls into stone.

What role does the hobbit play in this fierce battle spectator or warrior in thr hobbit?

Bilbo plays no part in the Battle of Five Armies. He took his stand with the elves and put on his ring. But he got knocked out by a stone and missed it all.

What happens in 'The Hobbit' when Bilbo meets the trolls?

the trolls capture all the dwarves but not Bilbo b/c he his smaller so he hides then the trolls argue about what to do w/ the dwarves and how to eat them then gandalf (who had left them a while ago) comes back and imitates the troll to keep them arguing until morning and they get turned to stone

Who's going to be Bilbo Baggins in the new film 'The Hobbit'?

The movie comes out in 2011, so all of the parts are "rumored" to be played by certain actors or actresses. Nothing is set in stone yet.

Who found the key to the trolls cave in the hobbit?

Bilbo's sharp eyes spot the tiny key. It had evidently fallen out of the pocket of one of the trolls. Otherwise, it would have been turned to stone like their clothes.

How does Gandalf rescue Bilbo's and the dwarves in hobbit?

I think he rescues them numerous times, but the one that first comes to my mind is when he rescues them from the Trolls, by keeping them arguing until the sun rose up and turned them all to stone.

What stone did Bilbo take?

Bilbo took the Arkenstone. It was the treasure Thorin desired most.

What happens to Bilbo on the first attempt at burglaring?

On his first attempt at burgling in "The Hobbit," Bilbo is caught by the trolls and nearly eaten before Gandalf intervenes and saves him by tricking the trolls into staying out until dawn when they turn to stone. This encounter marks the beginning of Bilbo's adventures and his growth as a character.

What cause the troll downfall i the hobbit?

Because they argued over how to kill the dwarves and Bilbo. In the end they got turned to stone by the rising sun.

Why does Bilbo give up the arkenstone in chapter 16 of the hobbit?

Bilbo never intended to keep the Arkenstone. He only took it because he saw the feverish greed that overtook the Dwarves when the saw their long lost treasure. Knowing how badly Thorin coveted the Arkenstone, Bilbo kept it and later used it to bargain for his share of the treasure (which he intended to share with Bard and Thranduil). What it revealed was that deep at heart, Bilbo was a good person and only wanted to do what was right. It was why Gandalf was drawn to him in the first place.

What happens to Bilbo during the battle?

At the end of chapter 17 of The Hobbit, Bilbo is in the Battle of Five Armies and is just thinking that all hope is lost for the Dwarves and Elves and Men when he sees an army of eagles soaring toward them. Bilbo shouts, "The Eagles! The Eagles!" But then, a stone thrown by a goblin hits his head on the helm, and he falls down and blacks out.

What was the purpose of a stone steal?

the sumerians often carved the stone steal to identify the owner of an object especially cuneiform writing