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Bearig straight

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Q: What is the name of the straight named after Vitus Bering?
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How was the bering strait named?

The Bering Strait got its name from Vitus Bering. He was a Russian explorer and explored areas of Asia and North America.

Name the straight that separates Alaska from Russia?

Bering Straight

What is name of the strait that separates Russian from Alaska?

Bering straight

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Saint Vitus is his Christian name.

A russian explorer discovered a waterway that was named for him. What is the name of this waterway?

Bering Strait

What is the name of the ice bridge from Alaska to Russia?

The Bering Land Bridge or the Bering Sea Land Bridge.

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Vanda Osiris's birth name is Menzio, Anna.

Name of first horse to win a race?

Grunk: first across the Bering Straight mud flats.

Name a straight the separates north America from Asia?

It is the Bering Strait, and is between Russia and the United States.

What is the name of the Russian who purchased Alaska?

Vitus Bering discovered Alaska, however, US Secretary Seward purchased Alaska under president Lincoln, often called Seward's Folly Alaska was purchased for a penny an acre.

What is the name of the land bridge that connected Asia and north America?

they crossed a bridge called beringia, or bering straight. it was created during the ice age when glaciers trapped so much water that the ocean levels dropped. a bridge of land, now called beringia, appeared where the bering straight is now. after that, when the earth grew warm again, glaciers melted and the bridge flooded.

Name a meridian which passes through no continent except Antarctica?

170° passes through the Bering Straight (between Alaska and Russia!)