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Hacate Strait

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Q: What is the name of the strait between the mainland of British Columbia and the Queen Charlotte Islands?
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What body of water is located between Queen Charlotte Islands and the British Columbia mainland?

Hecate Strait, Queen Charlotte Sound.

Are the Queen Charlotte Islands part of British Columbia?

Yes, they are a part of British Columbia.

In which province or territory would you find Queen Charlotte Islands?

They are in British Columbia.

Do the islands on the northern coast of British Columbia belong to that province?

No, the islands on the northern coast of British Columbia are part of the Haida Gwaii archipelago, also known as the Queen Charlotte Islands, which is a separate region located off the west coast of the province.

Do the islands off the northern coast of British Columbia belong to that Providence or to the state of Alaska?

the Charlotte Islands belong to Canada

What is a group of islands a strait and a sound all belonging to the british Columbia?

The name "Queen Charlotte" is applied to the Queen Charlotte Islands, the Queen Charlotte Strait, and the Queen Charlotte Sound. All three are in BC.

What is the name of the two popular islands found in the in British Columbia?

There are over 6000 islands in British Columbia. The largest and most popular is Vancouver Island. The collection of islands known as the Gulf Islands are situated between Vancouver Island and the mainland and are also popular.

What are the two most popular islands in British Columbia?

They would be the Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwaii), which is really an archipelago, and Vancouver Island.

What is the name of a group of islands a strait and a sound belonging to British Columbia Province that starts with Q?

Queen Charlotte

How do you spell haida GUI?

Haida Gwaii (used to be called the Queen Charlotte Islands off northern British Columbia coast)

Where is queen charlotte island?

It is on the west coast of British Columbia. It is the somewhat triangular looking group of islands above Vancouver Island.

Does British Columbia have any waterways?

The province British Columbia is surrounded by mainly the pacific ocean. There is also Hecate Strait between Queen Charlotte Islands and the western coast of British Columbia. The Strait of Juan de Fuea between the northwestern corner of Washington and British Columbia's Vancouver Island.