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the moment of truth

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Q: What is the names of the episode in Merlin where Merlin finds Will?
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What episode of Merlin in it where Merlin has to dress up in a funny red hat and outfit?

In the poisoned chalice. it is the 3rd episode in series 1 of Merlin.

What is the episode of Merlin when Merlin gets poisoned?

The Poisoned Chalice

What is the Merlin episode when Merlin kisses arthur?

It's episode 9 of Season 1: Excalibur

What are Merlins parents names in the last episode of Merlin?

If you mean the BBC series (which I love) his mothers name is Hunith and his fathers name is Ballinor

Where Can you Watch Last Episode Of Merlin?

You can watch the last episodes of Merlin on BBC/ITV I Player.

What Episode Does Merlin tell Arthur he's a wizard?

Season 4, episode 6

What episode of Merlin does arthur get shot in the back with an arrow?

season 3 episode 5

Is there going to be a BBC Merlin Christmas special?

According to fans and other sources there will be an episode of Merlin at Christmas. whether it will actually be a longer episode or Christmas themed is another matter.

Did Merlin Olsen and Victor French ever appear in the same episode on Little House on the Prairie?

No I was a fan of that show. Seen every episode over and over. They NEVER appered together. Victor was doing " carter Country" while Merlin was on. Carter series failed Victor back on Merlin off. BTW I meet Merlin Olson

Will there be a 4Th season of Merlin?

Yes. Before the credits of the 13th episode of the 3rd season, it said, "Merlin Will Return" so that probably means it will.

In which episode does Harper see the lair?

In the episode that she finds out alex is a wizard

Who is kilgharrah?

Kilgharrah is the dragon that Merlin meets and goes to seek advice in the TV series "The Adventures of Merlin". At the end of episode 12 in season 2, Merlin releases Kilgharrah from his chains, after being held prisoner by King Uther for many years. In episode 13, Kilgharrah begins to terrorize and attack Camalot in a fit of revenge; in the end, Merlin defeats Kilgharrah.