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Q: What is the names of the main clouds that give rain?
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Low gray clouds that usually bring rain or snow?

white clouds seldom give rain; grey clouds are more potent to give rain which is why the sky is usually grey or dark grey when it rains :)

Which group of clouds produce rain?

The names of the groups of clouds that can produce rain are nimbostratus and cumulonimbus. The nimbostratus clouds are the ones we see that become very dark and produce a lot of rain or snow. The cumulonimbus clouds are responsible for lighter rain and thunderstorms.

Do all the clouds formed in the sky cause rain?

no only the black clouds which is made by the condenstation will give rain

Clouds which give continuous rain are called?

Type your answer here... black clouds

Heaps of rain clouds are called?

Cumulonimbus clouds are what heaps of rain clouds are called. Vertical clouds are the heaped up ones, so their names include the root " cumulus." The big, towering storm clouds are called cumulonimbus.

What types of clouds give us rain?

Cumulus cloud makes rain fall

Can it rain but white clouds no rain clouds?

no you need rain clouds

What kind of weather do nimbus clouds give?

Just rain

How does the rain get in the clouds?

the clouds are the rain

What are high grayish clouds called?

the clouds that bring rain are usally cumulonimbus clouds

What clouds are rain clouds?

Rain clouds are are rain clouds so stop being dumb...that wasn't the right answer u dumbo.

Do clouds have specific names?

There are two main types: stratus (flat layer) clouds and cumulus (tall bubbly) clouds. As well as the two main types, high clouds are called Cirrus. Middle-level clouds are Alto. Rain clouds have Nimbus attached to them. So: Low-level clouds are Stratus, Cumulus, Cumulonimbus and Stratocumulus. Middle-level clouds are Altostratus and Altocumulus High-level clouds are: Cirrus, Cirrostratus and Cirrocumulus. A cloud that grows from low-level, through middle-level up to high-level, is called Nimbostratus and this deep cloud can bring heavy rain or snow that can last for several hours.