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Q: What is the narrow tube that carries the egg cell as it travels to the uterus?
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For a few days the egg cell travels towards the pear shaped?

The uterus.

Where does an egg cell go once it is released from the ovary?

It travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus.

Where is the egg cell?

The egg s fertilized in the Fallopian tubes. These are small tubes that connect the ovary to the uterus. An egg is released from the ovary and travels into the Fallopian tube. A sperm cell travels up the uterus and meets the egg in the Fallopian tubes. They then become fertilized and the new zygote travels down the fallopian tube and attaches itself to the uterus wall. The baby then begins to develop. Hope this helped :)

What is the biological requirement for reproduction for male and female?

The male produces sperm cells, which carry his genes. The sperm cell meets an egg cell from the female which carries her genes. The sperm cell penetrates the egg's outer layer. This is called "fertilizing" the egg. Normally, the outer layer of the fertilized cell thickens, so no more sperm cells can enter it. The fertilized egg then travels to the woman's uterus, where it attaches to the wall of the uterus and ultimately develops into a fetus.

How xy chromosomes travel in uterus for pregnancy?

I don't know much about this but I do know that chromosomes are inside a cell. So the cell of the sperm is what carries the Chromosone.

Blood carries food and what to every cell in the body?

Blood doesn't carry food, food travels through the digestive system (Look it up) Blood carries oxygen and iron.

What are cell proteins packaged in?

The hemoglobin packs and carries proteins in a cell. The hemoglobin is a small, narrow, and almost invisible like structure.

How the egg cell travel?

The egg begins in the ovaries. Once an egg leaves an ovum it then travels down the fallopian tubes, then to implant in your uterus for 3 weeks and wait for fertiliztion.

What a sperm cell of ovum is called?

There's no such thing. The sperm cell comes from a boy. Ovum is another word for egg cell which is in a girl. When a sperm cell finds an "ovum" it fertilizes it and it travels to the uterus to develop eventually into a baby.

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Where an egg cell and sperm cell meets?


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